gift card template

Gift cards are easy ways for people to do their holiday shopping. gift cards are an important marketing activities. For a business, choosing the right card design is an important part of the process. You can create your own gift card template with personalized style

Gift Card Guide

Holidays means sending gift to your friends or family members, Instead of buying gifts directly, many people have chosen to buy a gift card. the primary driver for the growth of gift cards is that they allow recipients to choose what they want. For younger age group, there are more interested in using gift card. According to a survey, 98% of teens 14 to 19 have bought or received a gift card.

There are basically two types of gift card: closed-loop cards and open-loop cards. the closed loop cards are usually issued by the retailer and can only be used at that retailer, this types of gift card usually does not carry fees. the open loop card can be used in many places. the open loop card usually have fees and expiration date.

Despite the wild popularity of gift cards, consumers still need to be aware of the terms and conditions of the cards. Gift cards have been criticized for the ability of the issuing body to set rules that are detrimental to the consumer. Thus the recipient may have to face expiration dates, administrative fees, restrictions in use, and absence of adequate protection in case of fraud or loss. However, Many states are adding gift cards to their consumer-protection laws. Rules having to do with expiration dates and maintenance fees are being amended. Several states recently passed laws that don’t allow cards to expire.

Gift Card Template

During the process of developing your own gift card template, there are some guidelines you need to follow

Gift card Template Style: before you begin your gift card design, the first decision you will make is about card design. there are various design options. One of the questions will be whether you want a custom card design or whether you can utilize a standard design. Custom cards help marry your existing marketing initiatives and branding as completely as possible.

Gift Card Template Graphics: after you have choose your card template format, you need to consider some graphics. This may mean giving them creative and artwork that you are using currently, something like the original menu design you have if you are a restaurant. Or, perhaps, an ad or brochure you use to market your company. This will allow your current marketing initiatives to correspond with your new gift cards.

Gift Card Design Tips: the first one is that you need not put too much information on the gift card. This is probably the most common mistake made in the design process. Putting too much information into a small area minimizes the impact the card has visually. It looks cluttered and loses its message. the second is that you need to utilize your logo. Carry your branding through to your design. Your logo is recognizable to your customers, and your gift card acts as a small billboard. Take advantage of your logo.